About Us

The PAKISTAN ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTISTS AND SCEINTIFIC PROFESSIONS (PASSP) head office located at Karachi.PASSP promotes and safeguards the legitimate interest of scientists and/or scietifical professions personal who are the members of it.

PASSP is the abbriviation of PAKISTAN ASSOCIATION OF SCIENTISTS AND SCIENTIFIC PROFESSIONS, It has underneith three main Objectives:

PASSP membership consists of two categories:viz; (a) Life Members (b) Honorary Members. Application of Membership may conditionaly be accepted on paying nominal fee per annum. Following objectives are cited for those who willing to be Member of Association.


PASSP promoting the legitimate interest of its members by establishing and maintaining a register of scientific and technically trained personnel for help their proper placement in their respective fields and endeavoring to secure for them their proper status in society.

PASSP membership consists of two categories:viz; (a) Life Members (b) Honorary Members. following Objectives are cited for those who willing to be Member of Association.


PASSP further the application of science and technology for the uplift and welfare of the nation by (i) Ensuring that the national resources of the country are put to the best possible use by the application of scientific methods for the welfare of the nation as a whole. (ii) Adopting suitable means (by creating public interest) for popularizing science and technology in an endeavor to make the public more conscious of its value. (iii) Pressing for a wider recognition of social, economic and cultural value of science in general education. (iv) Persuading the Government and other public and private organization to make adequate grants for scientific research. (v) Endeavoring to secure that the results of scientific research are utilized for constructive purpose only in the interest of the nation at large. (vi) Maintaining and extending the international character of scientific research. (vii) Emphasizing the importance of scientific research in private and state enterprise.

PASSP membership consists of two categories:viz; (a) Life Members (b) Honorary Members. following Objectives are cited for those who willing to be Member of Association.


PASSP undertakes such activities which may be conductive to the furtherance of the above objectives by. (i) Issuing a journal for furthering the objects of the Association. (ii) Furthering the interchange of scientists between institutions at home and abroad and to maintain friendly relations with scientific organizations in all countries. (iii) Endeavoring to get the Association recognized by the Central and Provincial and state Government Universities, other quasi-Government, institutions and employers� organizations, so as to enable the scientific staff to join the association. (iv) Organizing science fairs and establishing science museums throughout Pakistan in collaboration with other agencies or otherwise. (v) Creating facilities of Benevolent Fund, Welfare projects for the benefits of general members and others belonging to scientific community including: (i) Medical assistance e.g. hospital stoppage charges for needy in distress. (ii) Arranging ambulance service, coffin service and other burial expenses etc.etc. (vi) Creating Lawn facilities or centre for the purpose of organizing science fairs, exhibition, lectures and also to use as marriage Lawn/Center for the benefit of members.